Dash of Freshness
AED 245.00
This bouquet of 6 purple roses, pink hydrangeas and other mixed seasonal flowers has been freshy picked up to help you celebrate any day any style or send happy wishes to your family and loved ones.
Same day flower delivery offers a range of different options including morning, afternoon or evening deliveries. Your gift is delivered to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Sharjah at Doorstep on-time with an Exotica smile.
Same day flower delivery offers a range of different options including morning, afternoon or evening deliveries. Your gift is delivered to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Sharjah at Doorstep on-time with an Exotica smile.
Add a little something to make it special
Whether you want to add a cute vase for your bouquet, something sweet like a box of truffles or dates or a Happy Birthday balloon, we got you covered!